30th June 2025: Wind Waves: Special Interest Group meeting in Liverpool

The 6th meeting of the Challenger Society Special Interest Group on Wind Waves will take place at the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool. The SIG aims to promote research in ocean surface waves and of their interactions with oceanographic, atmospheric and climatic processes. We provide a forum for cross-disciplinary exchange of information, and to encourage early-career researchers in this field by providing an informal platform for presentations and interactions. If you want to receive information about future events, please contact Dr Lucy Bricheno (luic@noc.ac.uk) to be added to the mailing list.

More details of our special interest group here: https://projects.noc.ac.uk/windwavesSIG/ 

and details of previous meetings can be found here: https://projects.noc.ac.uk/windwavesSIG/meetings