
Articles in scientific journals


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric Miguez-Salas, O., F. J. Rodríguez-Tovar, J. Dorador, B. J. Bett, M. S. J. Charidemou and J. M. Durden (2024). "Small topographical variations controlling trace maker community: Combining palaeo- and neoichnological data at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: 112524. Picard, T., J. Gula, R. Fablet, J. Collin and L. Mémery (2024) Predicting particle catchment areas of deep-ocean sediment traps using machine learning. Ocean Sci. 20(5): 1149-1165. de Jonge, D. S. W., D. Y. Gaurisas, A. J. Smith, E. Holmes, C. Orejas, Á. Mosquera Giménez, J. Murray Roberts, A. F. Bernardino and A. K. Sweetman (2024). In situ benthic community response to a phytodetritus pulse in the Cabo Verde Abyssal Basin (tropical NE Atlantic). Progress in Oceanography 229: 103340. 
10.3389/fmars.2024.1371097Miguez-Salas O, Przeslawski R, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Uchman A, Bett BJ, Durden JM and Riehl T (2024) Marine lebensspuren: improving the classification of seafloor traces from underwater imagery and observations. Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1371097. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1371097
10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102526Durden, JM, Schoening, T,m Curtis, EJ, Downie, A, Gates, AR, Jones, DOB, Kokkinaki, A, Simon-Lledó, E, Wright, D, Bett, BJ, (2024). Defining the target population to make marine imaging biological data FAIR, Ecological Informatics, 102526, 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102526
10.1016/j.jmarsys.2024.103996Silva, A. N., D. A. Purdie, N. R. Bates and T. Tyrrell (2024). Investigating Labrador Sea's persistent surface O2 anomaly using observations and biogeochemical model results. Journal of Marine Systems 245: 103996.




Baumas, C., Fuchs, R., Garel, M., Poggiale, J-C., Memery, L., Le Moigne, F., Tamburini, C. (2023). Reconstructing the ocean's mesopelagic zone carbon budget: sensitivity and estimation of parameters associated with prokaryotic remineralisation., 10.5194/bg-20-4165-2023

Hartman, S.E., Gates, A.R., Lopez-Garcia, P., Bozzano, R., Delory, E., Favali, P., Lefevre, D., Chirurgien, L., Pensieri, S., Petihakis, G., Nair, R., Neves, S., Dañobeitia, J., Salvetat, F., Le Menn, M., Seppälä, J., Schroeder, K., Piera, J. (2023). Proposed synergies between Oceanography and Metrology. Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol10,,R.S., Briggs,N., Cael,B.B., Espinola,B.,Hélaoueët, P., Henson,S.A., Norrbin,F., Pebody,C., Smeed,D. (2023), Deep Ocean particle flux in the Northeast Atlantic over the past 30 years: carbon sequestration is controlled by ecosystem structure in the upper ocean. Frontiers in Earth Science., H.A., Bett, B.J., Ingels, J., Martin, A., Gates, A.R., Yool, A., Benoist, N.M.A., Appeltans, W., Howell, K.L. and Danovaro, R. (2023), Integrating ocean observations across body-size classes to deliver benthic invertebrate abundance and distribution information. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. M, Langenkämper D, Nattkemper TW. The Impact of Data Augmentations on Deep Learning-Based Marine Object Classification in Benthic Image Transects. Sensors. 2022; 22(14):5383., E., eta l 2022. Ocean Acidification in OSPAR 2023: The 2023 Quality Status Report for the North-East Atlantic. OSPAR Comission, London., B, Lampitt, R.S, Sudasinghe,N, Schaub,T. 2023. Molecular-level evidence of early lipid transformations throughout oceanic depths Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 343 (2023) 49-63., O, Bett, B.J,Torres-Montilla, S, Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J, Durden, J.H. 2023. Comparison of rosette-shape traces in abyssal terrains: Environmental and faunal implications Deep–Sea Research I 197 (2023) 104051


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetricéri N, Ruhl HA, Gates A, Martínez E, del Rio Fernandez J, Aguzzi J, Cannat M, Delory E, Embriaco D, Huber R, Matabos M, Petihakis G, Reilly K, Rolin J-F, van der Schaar M, André M, Blandin J, Cianca A, Francescangeli M, Garcia O, Hartman S, Lagadec J-R, Legrand J, Pagonis P, Piera J, Remirez X, Toma DM, Marinaro G, Moreau B, Santana R, Wright H, Dañobeitia JJ and Favali P (2022) The EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM): Standardized and Interoperable Instrumentation for Ocean Observation. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:801033. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.801033  
Gates, A, Hartman, S, Campbell, J, Cardwell, C, Durden, J, Flohr, A, Horton, T, Lankester, S, Lampitt, R, Miskin-Hymas, C, Pebody, C, Rundle, N, Serpell-Stevens, A, Bett, B. 2022. Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory Monitors the Atmosphere to the Seafloor on Multidecadal Timescales. P. 29 in Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography 34(4)

Jazdzewska, AM, Horton, T, Hendrycks, E, Mamos, T, Driskell, AC, Brix, S, Arbizu, PM. 2022. Pandora's Box in the Deep Sea -Intraspecific Diversity Patterns and Distribution of Two Congeneric Scavenging Amphipods. Frontiers in Marine Science 08:750180, MS.,F. Mienis, A.R.Gates, B.J.Bett, R.A.Hall, J.Hunt, I.A.Kane, C.Pebody, V.A.I. Huvenne, E.L.Soutter & M.A.Clare, 2022. Challenging the highstand-dormant paradigm for land-detatched submarine canyons. Nature Communications 13:3448, A; Schaap, A; Pascal, R; Hanz,R; Martincic,U; Cardwell,C; Morris,A; Clinton-Bailey,G; Saw,K; Hartman,S; Mowlem,M. 2022. "Lab-on-chip for in situ analysis of nutrients in the deep sea", ACS Sensors 2022, 7, 1, 89-98 Publication date Jan12, 2022


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric B. Cael, Kelsey Bisson, Maureen Conte, Manon T. Duret, Christopher L. Follett, Stephanie A. Henson, Makio C. Honda, Morten H. Iversen, David M. Karl, Richard S. Lampitt, Colleen B. Mouw, Frank Muller-Karger, Corinne A. Pebody, Kenneth L. Smith Jr.,David Talmy. 2021. Open Ocean Particle Flux Variability From Surface to Seafloor. Geophysical Research Letters., S.C. 2021. Minor Contribution by Biomineralizing Phytoplankton to Surface Ocean Biomineral Pools in the Late Stratified Period. Oceans, 2, 489-508. Mowlem, Alexander Beaton, Robin Pascal, Allison Schaap, Socratis Loucaides, Sam Monk, Andrew Morris, Christopher L. 2021. Industry Partnership: Lab on Chip Chemical Sensor Technology for Ocean Observing. Frontiers in Marine Sciences Volume 8 Article 697611, J., C. Brümmer, N. Buchmann, C. Calfapietra, H. Chen, B. Gielen, T. Gkritzalis, S. Hammer, S. Hartman, M. Herbst, I. A. Janssens, A. Jordan, E. Juurola, U. Karstens, V. Kasurinen, B. Kruijt, H. Lankreijer, I. Levin, M.-L. Linderson, D. Loustau, L. Merbold, C. L. Myhre, D. Papale, M. Pavelka, K. Pilegaard, M. Ramonet, C. Rebmann, J. Rinne, L. Rivier, E. Saltikoff, R. Sanders, M. Steinbacher, T. Steinhoff, A. Watson, A. T. Vermeulen, T. Vesala, G. Vítková, and W. Kutsch. 2021. The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society:1-54. Yin, Stathys Papadimitriou, Victoire M.C. Rérolle, Martin Arundell, Christopher L. Cardwell, John Walk, Martin R. Palmer, Sara E. Fowell, Allison Schaap, Matthew C. Mowlem and Socratis Loucaides. 2021. A Novel Lab-on-Chip Spectrophotometric pH Sensor for Autonomous In Situ Seawater Measurements to 6000 m Depth on Stationary and Moving Observing Platforms. Environmental Science and Technology. Environ. Sci. Technol., J. M., B. Hosking, B. J. Bett, D. Cline, and H. A. Ruhl, 2021. Automated classification of fauna in seabed photographs: The impact of training and validation dataset size, with considerations for the class imbalance. Progress in Oceanography, 196, 102612. A-N, Horton T, 2021. Investigation of the Amathillopsidae (Amphipoda, Crustacea), including the description of a new species, reveals a clinging lifestyle in the deep sea worldwide. Zookeys, 1031, 19-39 SE.; Bett, BJ.; Durden JM.; et al. 2021. Enduring science: Three decades of observing the Northeast Atlantic from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO). Progress in Oceanography; 191 number 102508, N; Le Guitton, M; Watson, SA.; 2021. Long term and seasonal changes in the life history biology of the abyssal holothurian Pseudostichopus aemulatus from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (North-East Atlantic). Deep-Sea Research Part 1- 174


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric H. Iversen, Richard S. Lampitt. 2020. Size does not matter after all: No evidence for a size-sinking relationship for marine snow. Progress in Oceanography 183, 102445., D. J., Gentleman, W. C., & Anderson, T. R. (2020). Ocean carbon sequestration: Particle fragmentation by copepods as a significant unrecognized factor? BioEssays, 42, e2000149. Lankhorst, Uwe Send. 2020. Uncertainty of North Atlantic Current observations from altimetry, floats, moorings, and XBT. Progress in Oceanography 183, 102402. G. Mitchell, Jennifer M. Durden, Henry A. Ruhl. 2020. First network analysis of interspecific associations of abyssal benthic megafauna reveals potential vulnerability of abyssal hill community. Progress in Oceanography 183, 102401. M. Damerell, Karen J. Heywood, Daley Calvert, Alan L.M. Grant, ... Stephen E. Belcher. 2020. A comparison of five surface mixed layer models with a year of observations in the North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography 183, 102316. M. Durden, Brian J. Bett, Henry A. Ruhl. 2020. Subtle variation in abyssal terrain induces significant change in benthic megafaunal abundance, diversity, and community structure. Progress in Oceanography 183, 102395. Horton, Harry Cooper, Rianna Vlierboom, Michael Thurston, Chris Hauton, C. Robert Young. 2020. Molecular phylogenetics of deep-sea amphipods (Eurythenes) reveal a new undescribed species at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, North East Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 183, 102292. Binetti, J. Kaiser, G.M. Damerell, A. Rumyantseva, A.P. Martin, S. Henson, K.J. Heywood,2020. Net community oxygen production derived from Seaglider deployments at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain site (PAP; northeast Atlantic) in 2012–13. Progress in Oceanography 183, 102293. Rumyantseva, Stephanie Henson, Adrian Martin, Andrew F. Thompson, Gillian M. Damerell, Jan Kaiser, Karen J. Heywood. 2020. Phytoplankton spring bloom initiation: The impact of atmospheric forcing and light in the temperate North Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 178, 102202. A. Macovei, Susan E. Hartman, Ute Schuster, Sinhué Torres-Valdés, C. Mark Moore, Richard J. Sanders. 2020. Impact of physical and biological processes on temporal variations of the ocean carbon sink in the mid-latitude North Atlantic (2002–2016). Progress in Oceanography 180, 102223. A. Baker, Margaret L. Estapa, Morten Iversen, Richard Lampitt, Ken Buesseler. 2020. Are all sediment traps created equal? An intercomparison study of carbon export methodologies at the PAP-SO site. Progress in Oceanography, 184, 102317. P. Vieira, Brian J. Bett, Daniel O.B. Jones, Jennifer M. Durden, Kirsty J. Morris, Marina R. Cunha, Clive N. Trueman, Henry A. Ruhl. 2020. Deep-sea sponge aggregations (Pheronema carpenteri) in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic) potentially degraded by demersal fishing. Progress in Oceanography, 183, 102189. Horton, Michael H. Thurston, Rianna Vlierboom, Zoe Gutteridge, Corinne A. Pebody, Andrew R. Gates, Brian J. Bett. 2020. Are abyssal scavenging amphipod assemblages linked to climate cycles? Progress in Oceanography, 184, 102318. Koski, Bellineth Valencia, Rebekah Newstead, Christine Thiele. 2020. The missing piece of the upper mesopelagic carbon budget? Biomass, vertical distribution and feeding of aggregate-associated copepods at the PAP site. Progress in Oceanography, 181, 102243,.ëlie M.A. Benoist, Brian J. Bett, Kirsty J. Morris, Henry A. Ruhl. 2019. A generalised volumetric method to estimate the biomass of photographically surveyed benthic megafauna. Progress in Oceanography, 178, 102188., Matthias; Send, Uwe. 2020. Uncertainty of North Atlantic Current observations from altimetry, floats, moorings, and XBT. Progress in Oceanography, 187, 102402., JM; Bett, BJ; Huffard, CL; Pebody, C; Ruhl, HA; Smith, KL; 2020. Response of deep-sea deposit-feeders to detrital inputs: A comparison of two abyssal time-series sites. Deep-Sea Research II, 173, 104677.


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric, J. M., Bett, B. J., Huffard, C. L., Ruhl, H. A., and Smith, K. L.. 2019. Abyssal deposit‐feeding rates consistent with the metabolic theory of ecology. Ecology 100( 1):e02564. 10.1002/ecy.2564, L. A., B. J. Bett, A. R. Gates, P. Heimbach, B. M. Howe, F. Janssen, A. McCurdy, H. A. Ruhl, P. Snelgrove, K. I. Stocks, D. Bailey, S. Baumann-Pickering, C. Beaverson, M. C. Benfield, D. J. Booth, M. Carreiro-Silva, A. Colaço, M. C. Eblé, A. M. Fowler, K. M. Gjerde, D. O. B. Jones, K. Katsumata, D. Kelley, N. L. Bris, A. P. Leonardi, F. Lejzerowicz, P. I. Macreadie, D. McLean, F. Meitz, T. Morato, A. Netburn, J. Pawlowski, C. R. Smith, S. Sun, H. Uchida, M. F. Vardaro, R. Venkatesan & R. A. Weller, 2019. Global Observing Needs in the Deep Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 6 doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00241.


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetricšparović, Blaženka; Penezić, Abra; Lampitt, Richard S.; Sudasinghe, Nilusha; Schaub, Tanner. 2018 Phospholipids as a component of the oceanic phosphorus cycle. Marine Chemistry, 205. 70-80.šparović, Blaženka; Penezić, Abra; Frka, Sanja; Kazazić, Saša; Lampitt, Richard S.; Holguin, F. Omar; Sudasinghe, Nilusha; Schaub, Tanner. 2018 Particulate sulfur-containing lipids: Production and cycling from the epipelagic to the abyssopelagic zone. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 134. 12-22., Nathan; Guðmundsson, Kristinn; Cetinić, Ivona; D'Asaro, Eric; Rehm, Eric; Lee, Craig; Perry, Mary Jane. 2018 A multi-method autonomous assessment of primary productivity and export efficiency in the springtime North Atlantic. Biogeosciences, 15 (14). 4515-4532., Roséanne; Henson, Stephanie, Anne; Rumyantseva, Anna; Briggs, Nathan. 2018 High‐frequency variability of small‐particle carbon export flux in the Northeast Atlantic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32 (12). 1803-1814., Dafydd Gwyn; Lucas, Natasha Sarah; Hemsley, Victoria; Frajka-Williams, Eleanor; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Martin, Adrian; Painter, Stuart C.; Inall, Mark E.; Palmer, Matthew R. 2018 Annual cycle of turbulent dissipation estimated from seagliders. Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (19). 10,560-10,569. et al., 2018. BioTIME: a database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:760-786
 Zurowietz, M, D Langenkamper, E Simon-Lledo, B Hosking, HA Ruhl, DOB Jones, TW Nattkemper. A Hybrid Machine Learning Method for Object Detection in Environmental Monitoring. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, peer reviewed paper, 2018., M, D Langenkämper; B Hosking, HA Ruhl, TW Nattkemper. MAIA - A machine learning assisted image annotation method for environmental monitoring and exploration. PLoS One 13: e0207498., 2018


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric, Paris V.; Bett, Brian J.; Gooday, Andrew J. (2017) Relationship between 'live' and dead benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the abyssal NE Atlantic Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers. 121:190-201, Jennifer M.; Ruhl, Henry A.; Pebody, Corinne; et al. (2017) Differences in the carbon flows in the benthic food webs of abyssal hill and plain habitats, Limnology and Oceanography. 62: (4)1771-1782, Robert; Dale, Andrew; Lahajnar, Niko; et al. (2017) Can neap-spring tidal cycles modulate biogeochemical fluxes in the abyssal near-seafloor water column? Progress in Oceanography. 154: 1-24, Chrysoula; Ross, Elizabeth; Billett, David S. M.; et al. (2017) Species diversity in the cryptic abyssal holothurian Psychropotes longicauda (Echinodermata) Conference: 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium (DSBS) Location: Aveiro, PORTUGAL Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography. 137: 288-296, Álavaro L.. Pena; Horton, Tammy. (2017) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from bathyal and abyssal depths of the Northeast Atlantic held in the modern Discovery Collections Zootaxa, 4347 (1).1-30.10.11646/zootaxa.4347.1.1šparović, B; Penezić,A; Lampitt, R.; Sudasinghe, N and Schaub, T. (2017) Depth-related cycling of suspended nitrogen-containing lipids in the northeast Atlantic. Organic Geochemistry, 113: 55-66
 Whitt, D.B and Taylor, JR. 2017 Energetic Submesoscales Maintain Strong Mixed Layer Stratification during an Autumn Storm. JPO,(vol 47, pg 2419, 2017).


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric, P., R. Schiebel, R. Mallet, J. Durden, B. Bett and A. Gooday (2016) Agglutination of benthic forminifera in relation to mesoscale bathymetric features in the abyssal NE Atlantic (Porcupine Abyssal Plain). Marine Micropaleontology 123:15–28, S.C., Finaly, M., Hemsley, V.S., Martin, A.P. (2016) Seasonality, phytoplankton succession and the biogeochemical impacts of an autumn storm in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 142: 72-104., Paris V., Brian J. Bett and Andrew J. Gooday (2016) Abyssal hills: Influence of topography on benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Progress in Oceanography 148:44–55, Jennifer M., Brian J. Bett, Tammy Horton, Amanda Serpell-Stevens, Kirsty J. Morris, David S.M. Billett and Henry A. Ruhl (2016) Improving the estimation of deep-sea megabenthos biomass: dimension to wet weight conversions for abyssal invertebrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 552:71–79, Jennifer M., Brian J. Bett, Timm Schoening, Kirsty J. Morris, Tim W. Nattkemper and Henry A. Ruhl (2016) Comparison of image annotation data generated by multiple investigators for benthic ecology. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 552:61–70, P.V. and A.J. Gooday (2016) Formation of agglutinated cysts by the foraminiferan Sphaeroidina bulloides on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (NE Atlantic). Marine Biodiversity, 46:747–749., R., K. Morris, B. Bett, J. Durden, D. Jones, K. Robert, H. Ruhl and D. Bailey (2016) High resolution study of the spatial distributions of abyssal fishes by autonomous underwater vehicle. Scientific Reports, 6:26095, Kirsty J., Brian J. Bett, Jennifer M. Durden, Noelie M.A. Benoist, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Daniel O.B. Jones, Katleen Robert, Matteo C. Ichino, George A. Wolff and Henry A. Ruhl (2016) Landscape-scale spatial heterogeneity in phytodetrital cover and megafauna biomass in the abyss links to modest topographic variation. Scientific Reports, 6:34080, Anna, M. Iversen, S. Giering, V. Riou, S.A. Henson, L. Berline, L. Guilloux and R. Sanders (2016) Depth-resolved particle-associated microbial respiration in the northeast Atlantic. Orcid Biogeosciences, 13(17):4927–4943, Mairi M.R., Paolo Favali, Laura Beranzoli, Jérôme Blandin, Namik M. Çağatay, Mathilde Cannat, Juan José Dañobeitia, Eric Delory, Jorge M.A. de Miranda, Joaquin Del Rio Fernandez, Henko de Stigter, Mick Gillooly, Fiona Grant, Per O.J. Hall, Susan Hartman, Joaquin Hernandez-Brito, Nadine Lanteri, Juergen Mienert, Gheorge Oaie, Jaume Piera, Vlad Radulescu, Jean-Francois Rolin, Henry A. Ruhl and Christoph Waldmann (2016) The EMSO-ERIC Pan-European Consortium: Data Benefits and Lessons Learned as the Legal Entity Forms, EMSO Consortium. Marine Technology Society Journal. 50(3):8–15
 Gillian M. Damerell. GM; Heywood, KJ; Thompson, AF; Binetti, U; Kaiser, J. (2016). The vertical structure of upper ocean variability at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain during 2012–2013. Journal of Geophysical Research: OceansVolume 121, Issue 5.


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric, G., Z. Gutteridge, T. Horton and M. Thurston (2015) Population structure of Paralicella caperesca (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea), a scavenging amphipod from the submarine canyons. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(8):1687–1699., Jennifer M., Brian J. Bett and Henry A. Ruhl (2015) The hemisessile lifestyle and feeding strategies of Iosactis vagabunda (Actiniaria, Iosactiidae), a dominant megafaunal species of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain. Deep-sea Research Part 1 – Oceanographic Research Papers, 102:72–77, Jennifer M., Brian J. Bett, Daniel O.B. Jones, Veerle A.I. Huvenne and Henry A. Ruhl (2015) Abyssal hills – hidden source of increased habitat heterogeneity, benthic megafaunal biomass and diversity in the deep sea. Progress in Oceanography Part 1, 137:209–218, H., S.A. Henson, S.E. Hartman, A.M. Omar1, E. Jeansson, H. Cole, C. Pebody and R.S. Lampitt (2015) Links between surface productivity and deep ocean particle flux at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain sustained observatory. Biogeosciences, 12(19):5885–5897, S.E., Z.-P. Jiang, D. Turk, R.S. Lampitt, H. Frigstad, C. Ostle and U. Schuster (2015) Biogeochemical variations at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain sustained Observatory in the northeast Atlantic Ocean, from weekly to inter-annual timescales. Biogeosciences 12(3):845–853, Victoria S., Timothy J. Smyth, Adrian P. Martin, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Andrew F. Thompson, Gillian Damerell and Stuart C. Painter (2015) Estimating oceanic primary production using vertical irradiance and chlorophyll profiles from ocean gliders in the North Atlantic. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(19):11612–11621, Tammy and Michael H. Thurston (2015) A revision of the genus Paracallisoma Chevreux, 1903 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Scopelocheiridae: Paracallisominae) with a redescription of the type species of the genus Paracallisoma and the description of two new genera and two new species from the Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa, 3995(1):91–132, Chris M., Richard J. Sanders, Stephanie A. Henson, et al. (2015) Attenuation of sinking particulate organic carbon flux through the mesopelagic ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(4):1089–1094, Anna, Natasha Lucas, Tom Rippeth, Adrian Martin, Stuart C. Painter, Timothy J. Boyd and Stephanie Henson (2015) Ocean nutrient pathways associated with passage of a storm. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29(8):1179–1189, P.V. and A.J. Gooday (2015) Basal monothalamous and pseudochambered benthic foraminifera associated with planktonic foraminiferal shells and mineral grains from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, NE Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity, 45(3):357–369


DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric J. Morris, Brian J. Bett, Jennifer M. Durden, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Rosanna Milligan, Daniel O.B. Jones, Stephen McPhail, Katleen Robert, David M. Bailey and Henry A. Ruhl (2014) A new method for ecological surveying of the abyss using autonomous underwater vehicle photography. Oceanography and Limnology: Methods, 12(11):795–809, Chris M., Richard J. Sanders, Stephanie A. Henson, Katsiaryna Pabortsavaa, Eric P. Achterberg and Richard S. Lampitt (2014) Attenuation of sinking particulate organic carbon flux through the mesopelagic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(4)1089–1094, Richard, Stephanie A. Henson, Marja Koski, Christina L. De la Rocha, Stuart C. Painter, Alex J. Poulton, Jennifer Riley, Baris Salihoglu, Andre Visser, Andrew Yool, Richard Bellerby and Adrian Martin (2014) The Biological Carbon Pump in the North Atlantic. Progress In Oceanography, 129(B):200–218, Charlotte L.J., Adrian P. Martin, and John T. Allen (2014) Modelling dinoflagellates as an approach to the seasonal forecasting of bioluminescence in the North Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems, 139:261–276

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DOIAuthor/TitleAltmetric, C., D.S.M. Billett, G.L.D. Paterson, H.A. Ruhl, E.H. Soto, K.L. Smith Jr. and S. Thatje (2013) Inter-annual dynamics of abyssal polychaete communities in the North East Pacific and North East Atlantic – A family-level study. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 75:175–186

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