Current live data

The graphs below are generated in near real-time from data transmitted via satellite. These data have had some simple quality control measures applied in an attempt to remove spikes and invalid data. In some cases additional calibrations have been applied to the biogeochemical sensor data.

Other data are being recorded internally in some sensors on the mooring but are not transmitted in near-real time. After recovery, these data are archived at the British Oceanographic Data Centre and can be accessed at the BODC PAP Collection. We are also starting to make these data available through the BODC ERDDAP service. To see the full time series, makes sure to set the ‘start time’ to the earliest possible date (by default only the latest data are shown).

The latest received data from the PAP site was recorded onDate and time of receipt of latest data

Instrument data telemetered from the PAP-1 buoy

Click on any chart to see a larger version (opens in a new window).

Temperature and salinity


Oxygen at surface (Seabird)

Graph of Oxygen at surface

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide at 1m

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide in air

Carbon Dioxide in air

Surface irradiance

Irradiance 3

Irradiance 3 (surface)

MetOffice UK meteorological data

PAP is part of the MetOffice network of weather buoys: view the full network.

Air pressure

Met Office Air Pressure


Met Office Humidity data

Air Temperature

Met Office Temperatures plotted with NCEP

Wind speed

Met Office Wind data

Wind vectors

Met Office Wind data as arrows

Wave height

Met Office Wave data

Wave peak period

Met Office Wave data

Wave vectors

Met Office wave data


Mooring position

Mooring position

Mooring position

Last 7 days track

Last 7 days Mooring track

Surface pressure

Graph of pressures from surface

PAP1 mooring Contact at NOC
Biogeochemical sensors Dr Sue Hartman

The raw data can be accessed via the NOC anonymous FTP server. If this link does not work directly, please use an ftp application to connect to server (user anonymous) then navigate to /animate/pap/PAP_latest.