The PAP mooring was serviced and redeployed in September 2010 by the RV Celtic Explorer (cruise CE10005). Two Argo floats were also released at the PAP site: platforms 6900621 and 6900622.
After recovery, data were archived at the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) and can be accessed at: BODC PAP Collection. Please use the search term Porcupine or #5192 to find our data.
11 January 2011
The connection between the buoy and the data hub in the sensor frame failed, and as a result no more data will be received from the sensors in the frame apart from the two Seabird MicroCAT CTDs which use a different communication cable. Those sensors which record data internally should continue to do so, and this data will be retrieved when the mooring is serviced in July 2011.
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