Terrain-aided navigation for long-endurance and deep-rated autonomous underwater vehicles |
Journal of Field Robotics |
Frontiers in Marine Science |
Oceanids: Building next generation maritime autonomous systems |
Int. Conf. iSCSS18 (Glasgow, UK) |
Improving the modularity of AUV control systems using behaviour trees |
IEEE Intl. Conf. AUV2018 (Porto, Portugal) |
Ocean Engineering |
OCEANS 2019 (Marseille, France) |
IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (Optatija, Croatia) |
Autosub long range 1500: An ultra-endurance AUV with 6000 km range |
OCEANS 2017 |
Marine Science from an Armchair: A Unified Piloting Framework for Autonomous Marine Vehicles |
OCEANS 2019 (Marseille, France) |
Learning features from geofreferenced seafloor imagery with location guided autoencoders | Journal of Field Robotics |
A featureless approach to improve self-consistency in structured light bathymetry | 2020 IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Symposium (Online, Canada) |