Autosub A2KUI

Autosub 5

Autosub 5 (A2KUI)

Oceanids is building on the 25-year programme of Autosub development with the next generation Autosub 5 (formerly known as A2KUI). Larger than Autosub Long Range, our new work class AUV is equipped with higher power sensors including state-of-the-art sonars and imaging systems that enable scientists to create detailed maps and establish habitat characteristics of the seafloor. Though commissioned for 6000m deep water operations, Autosub 5 is rapidly reconfigurable for 2000m under-ice missions. From the outset it has been designed to have the systems redundancy and under-ice navigation capabilities that allow it to operate safely underneath vast areas of sea ice or glaciers.

Specification sheet (click for full view)


Learn more about Autosub 5 in our in-depth feature story:

Work Package Lead

Matt Kingsland
Senior Robotics Systems Engineer