To sustainably manage and use marine resources it is vital that we properly understand them. To help facilitate the NOC has delivered a range of projects and activities through the CME Programme within the broad thematic areas of: Marine data collection for environmental resilience and safe and efficient trade; Monitoring and risk assessment to increase climate change resilience; Infrastructure development, training and knowledge exchange.
Project activities presented on this site have been aligned in a manner that is coherent with project outputs. As such similar activities supported across different years and/or conducted in different countries and regions have been collated to summarise the nature of support provided. All projects were led and delivered by the NOC. Information regarding the capacity building activities conducted by the other UK Government agencies through the CME Programme are available at: or by contacting
Current activities
Quantification of seagrass Blue Carbon potential in Antigua and Barbuda
Offshore habitat mapping in Dominica
Larval connectivity modelling and habitat mapping to inform marine spatial planning in the Caribbean Arch
Projects delivered by the NOC
Autonomous seawater monitoring equipment
Characterisation of ocean acidification over decadal timescales
CME Programme fellowship network
Containerised Autonomous Marine Environmental Laboratory (CAMEL)
Creation of a coastal data hub for the Caribbean
Extension of the anyTide app
Habitat mapping to support marine spatial planning
Impact of land use change on marine environments
Marine data management
Marine geohazard characterisation
Ocean modelling and monitoring
Phytoplankton sensitivity assessment
Sustainable deep-sea ocean resource exploitation
Tide gauge installation