The Jmodel suite consists of several models of different aspects of the Earth System. The models are controlled via graphical user interfaces; no knowledge of computer programming is required to get them running. They are provided as a ZIP file of java applications, which must be downloaded to be run.

Getting Started with JModels
1. Models Prerequisites.
The only thing these models require to run is an up-to-date version of Java to be installed on your computer. Java is a platform-independent programming language, so regardless of your computer type, any of the JModels will run.
If you do not have a copy of java installed or wish to upgrade to version 1.4 or later then visit the Java website. If you are using a Mac OS X computer then just simply run a software update to obtain the latest version.
2. Starting the Models.
To run any of the models, download the JModels files and extract them to a directory on your computer, then double click on the model you want to run. We recommend everyone uses the Phosphorus model (P_Model.jar) first; this simplified model will help you build up some initial experience of how our computer models operate.
3. Understanding the underlying science
This is explained within the accompanying documentation. An in-depth manual provides technical and scientific information and explains how to run the models to investigate and illustrate different aspects of the Earth System.