Veerle Huvenne
- Marine geoscientist specialised in habitat mapping
- As CODEMAP project leader, Veerle coordinates the project
- Veerle will also coordinate work packages WP1 and WP3
Daniel Jones
- Benthic biologist, specialised in benthic ecology; Dan is leader of the SERPENT project
- Within CODEMAP, Dan coordinates work package WP2, comparing the new methods with traditional biodiversity measures
Tim Le Bas
- Marine geologist and geophysicist, specialised in acoustic seabed mapping
- Tim will develop the methodology for AUV backscatter and sidescan sonar processing
- In addition, Tim keeps an eye on the data management and GIS of the project
Steve McPhail
- Underwater systems engineer, head of Autosub6000 team
- Steve is responsible for the further development of the Autosub6000 AUV (work package WP4), to allow the sideways mapping and to provide high-resolution optical datasets
Katleen Robert
- Katleen is a benthic biologist who moved over from Canada to write her PhD here at NOC; she has plenty of experience in habitat mapping
- In her PhD, she focussed on predictive habitat mapping in submarine canyons – she analysed imagery transects to map megabenthic invertebrate distributions and determined which environmental factors, mostly derived from acoustic survey techniques, are most useful in explaining the spatial structure observed
- Katleen has now taken up a position as post-doctoral researcher within CODEMAP, applying her skills to the problem of habitat mapping in 3 dimensions (WP4)
Khaira Ismail
- Marine geologist, and the second PhD student in our team; Khaira’s PhD work focuses on examining habitat heterogeneity as proxy for biodiversity in deep-sea complex environments
- Within CODEMAP, she develops top down techniques for objective deepsea marine landscape mapping, derivation of habitat heterogeneity indices and quantification of fuzzy boundaries
Claudio Lo Iacono (associate team member)
- Claudio came to the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton as a Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and was previously based at the CSIC in Barcelona. He now has a permanent position at NOC as Principal Scientist.
- He has a vast range of experience in acoustic seafloor characterization, quantitative backscatter analysis and image segmentation for integrated seafloor classifications – his expertise strengthens our team
Veit Hühnerbach (previous member)
- Marine geologist with more than 20 years experience in acoustic seabed mapping and classification
- Veit supported CODEMAP in its first 2.5 years as web manager and research scientist
- He has now left the team for pastures new