National Oceanography Centre
Dr Laurent Amoudry Principal Investigator and Project Leader

Laurent Amoudry is a coastal modelling expert and will be leading the Co-Opt project.
Dr Amani Becker Co-Investigator

Amani is a coastal scientist with expertise in microphytobenthos and sediment biogeochemistry. They will be developing our understanding of blue carbon ecosystems by calculating the carbon sequestration potential of saltmarsh and seagrass environments under a range of possible management scenarios.
Dr Jenny Brown Co-Investigator

Jenny is a coastal oceanographer interested in flood and erosion hazards. She will support the coastal modelling and scenario testing within the project.
Dr Claire Evans Co-Investigator

Claire is an expert in carbon biogeochemistry and will quantify the co-benefits of carbon storage and sequestration provided by green solutions to coastal defence.
Dr Francisco Mir Calafat Co-Investigator

Francisco is an oceanographer interested in the circulation of the ocean and the physics of sea-level changes, which he studies using a combination of observations, modelled data and advanced statistical methods. He will contribute to the quantification of uncertainty in cost-benefit analyses using Monte-Carlo simulations.
Dr Marta Payo Payo Co-Investigator

Marta is a coastal and estuarine scientist at NOC and has more than ten year’s experience using numerical models to understand how human intervention and natural change affect coastal areas and estuaries. In Co-Opt she will implement and apply the numerical modelling for each of the case studies under current and future conditions and management practices to reply together with the CoOpt team the “where are we now” and “where next – the future” to achieve co-benefits at the coast.
Cranfield University
Dr Anil Graves Co-Principal Investigator

Anil’s research applies biophysical, social, and economic methods to value benefits and trade-offs arising from environmental change, and under different future scenarios. Some recent projects include EWA-BELT (EU) AgroMix (EU), AgForward (EU), WessexBESS (NERC), WetlandLIFE (NERC), NEXT_AG (NERC/CONNICYT) and SidaTim (FACCEIP).
Dr Kenisha Garnett Co-Investigator

Kenisha’s expertise is at the intersection of society and the environment, combining fundamental and applied engineering with social science skills and a sound knowledge of deliberative strategies for stakeholders’ involvement in development of public policy.
Dr Simon Jude Co-Investigator

Simon is a Senior Lecturer in Decision Science and focuses on the challenges associated with adapting to climate change, particularly in coastal zones and for critical infrastructure.
Dr Sara Kaffashi Co-Investigator

Sara is an environmental economist with expertise in the application of economic methods to answer policy-relevant questions. She will be supporting the project by estimating the economic benefits/co-benefits of green coastal solutions.
Dr Joanna Zawadzka Co-Investigator

Joanna is an expert in spatial analysis and uses GIS, remote sensing, and statistical methods to extract, analyse, and interpret data on the natural environment.
University of Liverpool
Dr Leonie Robinson Co-Principal Investigator

Leonie is an active researcher and expert advisor, focused on developing and applying policy-relevant assessments that help guide decision makers on how to manage and conserve marine ecosystems and their natural capital.
Dr Richard Dunning Co-Investigator

Richard’s expertise in planning for housing development and land values will be utilised in Co-Opt to explore the relationships between perceptions of land and house prices, flooding and grey/green solutions. Richard has worked with local, national and international government agencies to understand the housing and planning interface.
Dr Stephen Jay Co-Investigator

Stephen is a Reader at the University of Liverpool, where he specialises in the implementation of maritime spatial planning (MSP). He has researched and published widely on its development, including its implementation in several European nations. Stephen has led many projects on MSP and has frequently acted as an international expert. He is also co-founder of the MSP Research Network, which brings together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to take forward MSP research and practice. He is the Director of the Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts & Oceans, which brings together a wide range of marine scientific expertise and practice.
Dr Marta Meschini Co-Investigator

Marta is a marine ecologist with interdisciplinary expertise in marine ecology, environmental education, quantitative and qualitative research and citizen science. She will be contributing in CoOpt project, investigating the interactions between nature and humans on the coast.
Prof. Andy Plater Co-Investigator

Andy Plater is an expert in coastal environmental change and coastal resilience. Andy will be contributing to the assessment of sustainable resource management options for the Ribble and Pensarn case studies.
University of St Andrews
Dr Tim Stojanovic Co-Principal Investigator

Tim is an environmental geographer and social scientist with a longstanding research interest in the human dimensions of coastal management. In our Co-Opt project he will lead the research on how communities respond to nature based solutions for shoreline management.
Dr Elina Apine Co-Investigator

Elina Apine is an interdisciplinary research scientist with expertise in marine social sciences and biology. Elina will be investigating what determines the social acceptability of green solutions to coastal flood and erosion management.