Louise Mc Neill
Louise McNeill is a benthic marine taxonomist at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory with 17 years’ experience studying macrofaunal biodiversity in UK and European waters. In addition to working on PML’s long term time series research as part of the Western Channel Observatory (WCO), her work has also concentrated on the use of large manipulative mesocosm experiments to assess ecological impacts of ocean acidification and elevated temperatures on the ecology, biodiversity, and ecosystem function of macrofaunal communities. The impacts of elevated CO2 on benthic fauna, particularly associated with release from CCS, have been the focus of much of Louise’s recent work. She has contributed to a large number of nationally and internationally funded projects and programmes (e.g. UKOA, QICS, EFOCE, RISCS, ECO2 and SSB). Her role within the STEMM-CCS project will be to assess the natural baseline of benthic communities which are resident at the chosen study locations.