Berths now open for the next AtlantiS PAP site expedition (JC278) with spaces available for students and ECRs seeking ship-based field work experience.
Applications can be made by completing this form as well as the standard fellowships application, details of which can be found below. The application deadline for expedition JC278 is 5th January 2025. Applications will be reviewed and successful applicants notified within 4 weeks of the deadline. If further information is required please contact the cruise PI (principal investigator), their details can be found on the application form. Further information on the aims and scope of JC278 is provided below.
JC278 is a multidisciplinary research cruise to continue multidecadal observations at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) including mooring operations and annual sampling and survey of the water column and seabed. The cruise will also deploy moorings at Whittard Canyon and demonstrate new technologies for the GEORGE project.
The cruise objectives are to:
- Recover and redeploy a Met Office mooring with ODAS buoy at PAP-SO
- Recover and redeploy a deep sediment trap mooring at PAP-SO
- Deployment of sediment trap and oceanographic moorings in the Whittard Canyon
- CTD/water sampling at PAP-SO
- Underway measurements of surface ocean biogeochemistry during transits
- Seafloor imaging surveys for benthic ecology
- Seafloor coring, baited traps and scientific trawling for continuation of benthic ecology time series
- Biogeochemistry Argo float, Glider and seabed lander deployments
PI: Andrew Gates (NOC)
Dates (subject to change): Mobilisation starts 27th May 2025, Southampton, UK. Cruise Dates: 30th May – 23rd June 2025. Demob ends 25th June 2025, Southampton, UK.
Fellowships and Expedition Berth Programme
AtlantiS has an Early Career Researcher (ECR) Fellowship scheme to support extended collaboration with and visits for graduate students or postdocs.The fellowships provide financial support for postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers to spend around 2-4 months as visitors at our research centres.
The purpose of AtlantiS ECR Fellowships is to support career development of students and ECRs by enabling collaborative working with AtlantiS researchers, as well as access to AtlantiS facilities, data sets, model output and tools, and berths on AtlantiS expeditions. The research carried out by the ECR during the Fellowship should enhance AtlantiS objectives and build on the project's observations, modelling and/or technology development.
The AtlantiS ECR Fellowships are awarded through a competitive selection process with deadlines of the end of November, March and June each year. The funds associated with the Fellowships are intended to cover the cost of an extended visit to one of our centres (or for joining an AtlantiS expedition). They can be used for travel, temporary accommodation, and consumables associated with research during the Fellowship. To be eligible for a AtlantiS ECR Fellowship you must be a Masters or PhD student, or be employed as a researcher and have less than 6 years post-doctoral working experience (full time equivalent).
Applicants are expected to contact suitable AtlantiS researchers and discuss a visit with them before submitting a form which can be accessed here: Application for Early Career Researcher Fellowships (MS Forms) or Application for Early Career Researcher Fellowships (PDF)
Please note the upcoming deadlines of end December 2024, March 2025 and June 2025. The aim is to continue the programme with similar rolling deadlines through to 2028 (subject to available funding).
Berths on AtlantiS expeditions
Throughout the delivery of AtlantiS places will be made available on ocean going expeditions to provide students and ECR’s with valuable field experience. The outline expedition programme is shown below, deadlines and further details will be updated here as logistics for each expedition are firmed up, and the number of available spaces finalised.Deadlines for the respective cruises will be posted here when available (driven by scheduling and logistics).
Cruise No. | AtlantiS Scope | PI | Tentative Dates |
JC263 | Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) | Andrew Gates | Completed May 2024 |
JC278 | Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) | Andrew Gates | May – June 2025 |
DY181 | Ellet Array & Darwin Mounds | Kristin Burmeister | Completed July 2024 |
TBC | PAP & Whittard Canyon / MPA | Andrew Gates (Veerle Huvenne for Whittard Canyon/MPA) | May 2025, 2026, 2027 and potentially 2028 |
TBC | Ellet Array & Darwin Mounds | Kristin Burmeister / Tiago Dotto (Veerle Huvenne for Darwin Mounds) | July 2026 and 2028 |
TBC | RAPID | Ben Moat | Jan 2027, Feb 2028 and Jan 2029 |
TBC | AMT | Andy Rees | Annual, Autumn. |
TBC | GO-SHIP | Yvonne Firing | Autumn 2025, Spring 2026 and 2028- all TBC |