The Pearl River Delta

The Pearl River Delta in the South China Sea is densely populated and fast-developing, home to 67 million people it is the most urbanised delta in the world. As it is very low-lying, cities here, like Guangzhou, are the most vulnerable to sea level rise.

The Study area

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The Pearl River Delta in the South China Sea is densely populated and fast-developing, home to 67 million people it is the most urbanised delta in the world. As it is very low-lying, cities here, like Guangzhou, are the most vulnerable to sea level rise. The Pearl River Delta is at the mouth of the Pearl River catchment, which discharges into the South China Sea. The area is semi-tropical and subject to typhoons, which can cause destruction. Much of the natural mangrove forest has been cleared for land reclamation to urban development and shrimp ponds, but in recent years areas have been protected and restoration efforts are being undertaken. The following figure shows the area and population at risk from 1-m rise in sea level (possible by 2100).