Successful industry-academia collaboration workshop
A successful collaborative workshop was held on 27th June 2016 at NOC Southampton to discuss new research into hazards for marine infrasrtucture. The 50 attendees included 23 representatives from 13 different companies with a specific interest in better understanding the risks to seafloor structures such as oil and gas pipelines, and telecommunications cables. Academic representatives presented new results from cutting edge experiments, field studies and numerical modelling, including representation from NOC, University of Southampton, Leeds University, Bangor University, Kings College London and Imperial College. Industry representatives from East Point GEO, D'Appolonia and Geotek outlined the present industry state of the art in geohazard assessment, in partiuclar highlighting some of the challenges posed in deepwater areas. This workshop provided a great opportunity for new collaborations between industry organisations that tackle real-world issues for seafloor infrastructure, and academics who are focused on quantifying marine processes including submarine slope failures and turbidity currents.
(Below) Professor Peter Talling discusses future collaborative research directions into deep water geohazards