
BLUEcoast aims to inform coastal management by reducing uncertainties in the prediction of medium-term (years) and long-term (decadal and longer) regional sediment budgets, morphological change and how the coast recovers after sequences of storms.


Our teams are undertaking observations and experiments to develop modelling tools that will be used to evaluate coastal resilience and scope alternative management options.

BLUEcoast combines the expertise of biologists, coastal engineers, geologists, geographers, and oceanographers with complementary field, laboratory and numerical skills.


As it is not feasible to quantify all the relevant morphodynamic processes at high spatial resolution across the entire UK coast, we focus on a number of representative coastal systems.

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Protecting and making use of our coasts is extremely important


Principal Investigators

Dr Laurent Amoudry
Principal Investigator
National Oceanography Centre

laou at

Dr Jenny Brown
National Oceanography Centre

jebro at

Work Packages 1 & 2

Prof. Gerd Masselink
Work Package 1 Lead (Perranporth and Slapton Sands)
Plymouth University

gerd.masselink at

Dr Andres Payo Garcia
Work Package 2 Lead (Suffolk coast, Orford Ness to Hunstanton)
British Geological Survey

agarcia at

Work Packages 3 & 4

Prof. Martin Solan
Work Package 3 Lead (Cartmel Sands; Dengie peninsula)
University of Southampton

M.Solan at

Prof. Andy Plater
Work Package 4 Lead (Camber Sands and Minsmere)
University of Liverpool

gg07 at